The Daughter, Merrick Stifer

Stifer has been known for his soft side and Merrick is a living example of that.  At the age of 16 Stifer found her hiding under a bed when he got done killing her mother and the mother's pimp.  He talked to he for a bit and offered to take her to an orphanage.  She refused saying she wanted to go with him, despite what he had done to her mother. Come to find out her mother was abusive and Stifer seemed like a guardian angel to take Merrick away from all of that, after hearing that Stifer took the 10 year old girl with him and adopted her two years later.

He began training her in the arts of combat and killing, seeing that she really excelled with a bow and crossbow he focused her training on that.  She was one of the quickest people he had seen.  She could shoot a vampire four times before the vampire even reacted.  It was almost inhuman.  He actually checked to see if she was human and she was.  Must be natural talent.

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